Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Melissa J. 12 2010

The Age Of Stupid

The age of stupid is about how we are taking from earth and it can affect and we use and we
pollute the planet .This movie is really sad because we are destroying are earth and we only have one earth .I learned that the U.S is the one with the most pollution and we use more and more and we never stop buying and a learn that you buy something then it breaks and you trough it away and then is pollution and it take along time to that to leave and we do not have that much time.

The movie talks about some people are not wanting windmills because they will have a nice view of the sky a lady said i say its better we have more wind mills than a polluted earth and the sky will not be clean .The earth is in danger global warming will happen but if we keep the earth clean and not polluted we may slow down global warming.But they did not want the wind farm because will spoiled view.

Us the consumers are taking and taking and were are we getting to the US is the one that takes more than any body in earth this is taking from the earth and we keep o doing that we polluting the earth and this is causing global warming and that is not good and imagine the people from the future not being happy because of us taking and causing global warming and climate change and its all are fault because of us.

We need to do something about it .

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Melissa J.10 2010

Keep nature beatiful
http://www.keeepbanderabeatiful.org 2002-2010
Found on
october 11 2010

Ocean world
http://oceanworld.tamu.edu/student/corral/ 2004
Found on
October 13 2010

Corral Reef
http://www.corralrealm.com/ 1999-2007
Found on
October 13 2010

Corral Reef Alliance 2010
Found on
October 13 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Melissa J.9 2010

How to propely site internet resoerces
AuthorTitleof web site.Web adress or Url.copyright data.Data you found the info

ThinkQuest:Explorers of the millenium
http://library.thinkquest.org/4034/dagama.html found Oct 7 2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Melissa J. 6 2010

One of the social issue a liked is the one of Atlantic because a really like the polar bears and the animals that live there but there dieing that sad for me and the topic for me is really important because the ice is melting and the animals are dieing so the ice is melting the animals are droning in the water a learning that the animals are dieing fast and that why a like this issue.This is a site for more info http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antarctica

This is a other social issue a liked is pollution because the earth is getting polluted and they are cutting down trees and they are polluting the earth and we only have one earth w do not have more and a think we should take care of earth and protect it from pollution so I think earth is important and how we are polluting with trash.You can learn more in this web site

Friday, October 1, 2010

Melissa J. 7 2010

This blog is about how the corral reef are endanger they live for a long time but now they are dieing that's sad because there important to the fish that live in the ocean .They are use to cure people like to repair a bone because is has a lot of calcium and the fish need the corral to live with out corral reef they can die.some thing was happening that was killing the corral reef an the thing that was killing them was the ocean warming that was killing them.And a other thing that kills them is over fishing that's is a other reason how they die.

Animals in the corrals depend in one a other and they help each other and the corrals are there home.Corral need algen to live but the algen is getting blow away so the corrals die the eat it and when they die they loos there beautiful colors.The corrals need to be save so the animals can live. the corral can be gone soon like in 30 years and we need corrals reefs to.they are important to every body.

When the corral reefs die a billions of animals die so we need the coral reefs the fish are dieing and we need the fish.
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