Friday, December 21, 2012

Learning log

add game ingredients
54 Minutes

add game ingredients
54 Minutes

add game ingredients
54 Minutes
add game ingredients
54 Minutes

add game ingredients
54 Minutes

add game ingredients
54 Minutes

add game ingredients
54 Minutes

.add game ingredients
54 Minutes

add game ingredients
54 Minutes

learning log and add game ingredients
54 Minutes

Friday, November 30, 2012

Adding hidden objects

Adding Hidden Objects was  easy. The coding wasn't hard, but easy to type into the actions layer .I was not as hard as I thought it was quite simple .I actually enjoyed putting my demo game together .

Friday, November 9, 2012

Draw background

Drawing my background in flash was better than drawing in paper it was easier and I know how to use flash and I am not very good at drawing in paper.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Post-Election Day 2012

"After a long, bitter and expensive campaign, national polls show Obama and Romney are essentially deadlocked ahead of Today's election, although Obama has a slight advantage the states that will decide the winner.But if I had to choose I will vote for Obama and I think Obama will be president again."Like I said Obama did win and became president again.The results were not disappointing and I was glad Obama won.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Paper Prototype Part 1

What did you learn from creating a game with paper and pencil?
I learned about   psychology and it is much harder than a game in the computer
What do you still need to add to your game?More hidden objects and info about the topic.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Frankenstorm 2102

Scientists are calling this new storm Frankenstorm. The storm is going somewhere in the U.S and is on its way .If I were to create my game in New york city  then I would have ten objects for the player to find and the  ten objects would be The Statue of Liberty, people, building, officials, ocean, animals, school and houses.  

Friday, October 26, 2012

Choose a Learning Topic 1-5

My Big Subject Area is psychology which means the scientific study of the human mind and its functions of those affecting behavior in a given context also the mental characteristics or attitude of a person or group of people.One really important thing I learned about this subject is child psychology  studies about the child’s growth and development involving the stages of their social, emotional, mental and physical progress and some don't know how to handle it . My hidden object game will teach people how to control their emotions and handdele them the title of my game 
Dont stress.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Plan Game Scene

In my scene there will be very little color and it will very depressing  and there will be items that you will need to find and each time you find a item the room will get brighter and colorful and less depressing and you will only have about 45 seconds to complete this.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Class Dismissed

Pakistani schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai first came to public attention in 2009 when she wrote a  diary about life under the Taliban. Now recovering from surgery after being shot by the militants, the campaigner for girls' rights is in the spotlight again.Her home town of Mingora, in the northwest region of Pakistan .

Speaking of her father, he is also wanted by the Taliban, so at times he will have to leave his home so he won't draw attention to his family Now that they have threatened Malala and followed through with that threat, they are now placing another threat on her saying if she doesn't die now.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

PAC -MAN 30th anniversary

Chomp, chomp! Pac-Man, the most successful coin-operated video game in history, turns 30 this week. On May 22, 1980, the Japanese game-maker Namco installed the first Pac-man machine in a movie theater in Tokyo.When Pac-Man was released, it was the most popular arcade video game.

  Pac-Man succeeded by creating a new genre and appealing to both genders.The game was brought to America by Midway in 1981 and quickly rose in popularity and sales, overtaking even Space Invaders, which had been unrivaled until that point. The name Puck-Man was changed to Pac-man to avoid possible confusion with an English expletive.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

2012 Debate

What issues were brought up by the moderator? 
That night the moderator had asked them a series of question, giving them each the same time limit to respond to the question. The moderator brought up the topics of economics  health and social security, and education. They were asked how they would try and resolve our national debt, or what they will do about health care.

What did you understand? 

What was confusing to you? 
What was confusing to me is when they mention big bird .

Who do you think did a better job of expressing their views and plans for confronting the social issues affecting our society today?

I really think that neither Obama or Romney did a job a good job and to be honest I don't like none of them

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Rule 2

Rule 2: Find objects that fit a specific category or criteria'''

I can put objects that relate to my topic , In different rooms of a teen thinking about suicide ,find objects that fit a specific category or criteria we could put different objects in the teens rooms and see if the player can identify all the objects that don't belong their.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Be kind to animals

  •  Game: Be kind to Animals
  • What were you looking for? In the game you are looking for facts by clicking on different objects around the house and by clicking them it gives you ideas for a way of raising money and helping the animals.
  • Was the game fun to play? Explain why.Yes the game was very fun to play ,you have to go around the house to find different ways to help the environment and animals .
  • How does the designer reward you and keep you playing? Well the best way is that gives you ideas to help in any kind of problem you can have with animals.
  • What does this game teach you? This game teaches me skills when it comes to saving a animals and helping community .
  • How does it use hidden objects to teach you?
  • What age group would find this educational? In my opinion I think that the age group should be 7 to 15.
  • How would you make this game better? I would probably add more facts around the house and pictures.
  • Thursday, September 20, 2012

    A single story

    What does it mean to have a 'single story' about a place or community?

  • It means that that person only knows what they heard from others even though it could be wrong.It means that you only know one side of the story and that you judge other and places by what you know  not by what others or places really are like.

  • Describe a single story you have heard told about your community. What is missing from that story? How could people learn more about that community?

    I heard that only bad people  are in gangs and use drugs only live there, and that only the poor people that are not smart live there.But that is not all true there's allot of poor people that are smart.

    Describe a single story you have heard about another community. How did you learn that story? How could you find out more about that community?

    I haven't heard o other community story.

    How could a game let players experience many stories about a place or community?

    The game could show what the community looks like, how the people act around there .

    Wednesday, September 12, 2012

    A New Year

    So far this school year is ok I guess but in the first week it was a mess almost all the schedule where messed up and missing periods but now its all fixed . Their allot of new faces this year . My classes are ok and some of the new teacher are fairly nice ,my favorite class is well I don't have one because I like all of my classes.This year I hope to pass all my classes and turn in my homework on time not o day late like last year .

    Thursday, May 24, 2012

    Monday, May 21, 2012

    Local Kids Play Make Games article

    • 1. What did you think about the article?

    I think the blog was well written and it covered every thing.

    • 2. How did it make you feel to read about your school and Globaloria, a program that you participate in.

    Reading about our school make me feel like we have the best school ever .

    • 3. If your game was featured in the article, how did it make you feel? Proud, happy?

    If my game was featured in a article I will feel proud that my hard work paid off and of course happy because I won thats how I will feel.

    • 4. If your game was not featured in the article, what would you like for the author to have said about your game?

    If my game was not featured i would not like him to mention it.

    • 5. Which game do you think the author should have mentioned in his article and why?

    All the games i liked ware mention .

    Tuesday, May 15, 2012

    forks over knifes

    • I think this movie is about how food is making us obese and it to persuade people to eat heather and to inform too.
    • Doctor say that a meat base diet is likely you will have a disease but if you have plant base diet you will be healthier and it nit likely you will get a disease and also now more people have a meat base diet.
    • The doctor research showed that the kids are getting fatter and sick as the generations pass.
    • A whole-foods plant-based diet is the best for people.It prevents and can reverse cancer and heart disease.Meat, animal products, refined foods (including sugar and oil), and high levels of protein cause and/or contribute to cancer and heart disease.


    Game: Unconventional Disaster
    Class: 3-III Arcos 2011-2012

    "You game is really awesome and i like that you added facts during the game."

    Game: Find Your Way
    Team:Your choice ?
    Class: 3-III Arcos 2011-2012

    "I like that you added a little movie at he begging of the game."

    Wednesday, May 9, 2012

    My top 3 choices

    Game: Forest Rats
    Team:Green Bugs
    Class: 3-III Arcos 2011-2012

    Game: Unconventional Disaster
    Class: 3-III Arcos 2011-2012

    Game: Find Your Way
    Team:Your choice ?
    Class: 3-III Arcos 2011-2012

    Tuesday, May 8, 2012

    Final Playable Games

    Name of your team. Team awesome
    Title of your game.Animal avengers
    Topic of your game.endanger animal
    What is the Learning Goal?Save endanger animal
    How will the player learn about the topic from playing your game? He will save the bird and drag and drop him to a tree.
    What you would like to add or improve upon in the game? I would add back buttons.
    What was the most challenging part of creating this game? Getting the code to work.
    What are you most proud of or what did you figure out through critical thinking and trial/error?I am proud i put the game together and got it to work.

    Monday, March 19, 2012


    I think respect is when you treat some one how you want to be treat like kind ,nice .

    Respect in the classroom is when you are being kind to other and you don't talk when the teacher is talking and student to this how respect may look in a classroom.

    In the computer lab respect may be when you don't play around with the computer and you wait your turn to get you computer and if someone has something that your ask for it nicely that how respect may look in a computer lab.

    In the hallways respect is when you don't try and push people so they can move. And you don't make allot of noise that how respect may look in the hallways.

    When we have visitors you are polite and if they are talking let that talk.

    When we visit other places be kind to their stuff and don't touch any thing that does not belong to you.

    Thursday, March 1, 2012

    Wednesday, February 29, 2012

    Monday, February 13, 2012


    I think it is terrible that they are doing this.I feel because I wear Nike .I think people in Indonesia deserve human rights .The people get paid barely get money to keep their family alive an that is sad I think that they should do something about is and stop it Nike shoe company sell their shoes up to 100$ or more to pay people $1.25 to make them. And they should improve their working conditions for the worker that work in the factory and they should stop burning the rubber of the shoe close to their houses so the kind wont get sick and they should go to school so they wont end up working in the Nike factories.

    Monday, February 6, 2012

    What genre would you focus on?

    I will focus on adventure.

    What skill or topic would your game teach?
    The topic will be comets and meteorites.

    What would the player have to do in the game?
    The player will find meteorites.

    What would the hero of your game look like? The enemy?
    The hero will be a girl and the enemy will be a other person trying to take what you collected

    What would be the title of your game?
    The title will be ''What is That!!!!!!!"

    Thursday, February 2, 2012

    What genre would you focus on?

    I will focus on adventure.

    What skill or topic would your game teach?
    The topic will be comets and meteorites.

    What would the player have to do in the game?
    The player will find meteorites.

    What would the hero of your game look like? The enemy?
    The hero will be a girl and the enemy will be a other person trying to take what you collected

    What would be the title of your game?
    The title will be ''What is That!!!!!!!"

    Tuesday, January 24, 2012


    Tuesday, January 17, 2012

    Flash Reminders

    1. Place everything in own layer.
    2. Place corresponding layers in the same folder .
    3. label layers and folders.
    4. You must assign Instance Names to all symbols.
    5. Upload all of your work to the Wiki ,whenever it is complete or not.

    Wednesday, January 11, 2012

    My gaming habits

    What types of games do you enjoy playing?

    like adventure games and puzzles game .

    When did you begin playing games, on what type of game system?

    I play game sin the computer.

    Do your parents/guardians limit the amount of time you are allowed to play games?

    Well I don't play video so my parents don't have a problem

    Do you think it is possible to get completely addicted to playing video games? Why or why not?

    Yes, because my brothers are addicted with video games there are always playing and my mom is having a hard time making them do there homework .

    Gamefication, Game Design, or Game Mechanics

    What do you learn in Globaloria?

    We learn how to use flash and the wiki page and we learn about social issues and how it affect the world and then we make a educational game.

    How can these skills prepare you for a successful academic future and how could you use these skills to find a great job?

    I think that it could help you in the future because many people don't use book to look some think up well they do rarely they mostly use technology.

    Five Skills I've learned this past year are:
    I've learn how to draw better in Flash,
    I've learn how those the codes in flash better
    I've learn how to create games and other many things in flash.
    I've learn how to add background color to my wiki page
    I've learn how add pictures in the wiki page

    Monday, January 9, 2012

    Goals for the Semester


    *Get A & B's in all my classes

    * Improve in math

    * Don't let any body distract me during class

    * Pass all my test and quizzes

    * Turn in homework on time.

    * Clean my locker every week because it always a mess an I always forget to clean it.

    * Don't talk when teacher is talking.

    * Stop being meanie sometimes to people.

    * Don't get in trouble.

    * Be More AWESOME !!!!!