- Crocodiles attacking people
- evaders cloud evade are body
- water snails put eggs in weeds
- weevils are eating weeds taking over water lake Victoria
- in big island Hawaii threes a new species
- erosion is dangerous for Hawaii
- corral reef in danger
- animals like birds ,butterflies and more
- plants are fight for resources
- the plants taking over Hawaii
- can map where the infestation are
- when everything moves what will survive
Part 3 strange Days On Planet Earth
- From time to time a lucky specie will survive
- Eventually almost everything would most likely move everybody
- climate change is happening because all the energy we use
- in one century temperature raised one
- biologist can head count caribous so they can see how many are they
- climate changing fast and animals can die
- finding food in winter is getting harder for caribous
- caribous may be gone soon
- temperature may rise 1-3