Are team is getting along and we work my team is working better that the pass because we use to con plane that he do not do work like that and it is mot good and are team are team is working good for now some times they play around and a do not like that when they play around and some time a get so so mad with them a do not want to work with them and are team is working on it.
Some people do not work and a do not like that and some times am the only one doing my work and every body is playing around and a get mad with them and am the re search person and that easy for me and a feel good getting along with them more are topic is cancer and how its affects you and are math objective is 2 ans that's algebra and are game topic is the best and a do like to search about cancer and do like that and a think that importing for me and a think we work good me and the group and that are group and how we work in the class and how we work.
go team.
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