Monday, August 29, 2011

2 Single Story 2011

" Danger of a single story"

  • What does it mean to have a 'single story' about a place or community?
I think it means how one person thinks about a other person only looking at them or because they saw movie ,or in the news or where they lived and and many more stuff.
  • Describe a single story you have heard told about your community. What is missing from that story? How could people learn more about that community? That the east side is full of bad people be that is no true
  • Describe a single story you have heard about another community. How did you learn that story? How could you find out more about that community?
I never heard a story of a other community.
  • How could a game let players experience many stories about a place or community? Maybe they can learn some think and change your opinion about somebody or something.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


This is my first blog post of the 2011-2012 school year

Cyberbullying is when a child, preteen or teen is tormented,threatened,harassed,humiliated,embarrassed by a other person.
How does the main character feel about clickster in the begininng of the film?She doesn't feel comfortable about using it because of here mom getting on her business.
What is her family situation?They don't communicate much mostly her mom and her.
What is the type of friendship does she have? Not a very good one they fight allot.
When do you see the bulling starts? When she tells her friend that she always got dump her friend got mad and then she made a fake profile and started to say mean things.
What is the result of cybebuling that Taylor experience?She wanted to kill her self.
How does taylor react to the mean comments they are posting about her? She always cry and try to kill her self.
How does she felt about her friend betraying her? She was sad and could not belive it .
What kind of changes do you see taylor experience throug the film?She stand out for her self.