Monday, March 19, 2012


I think respect is when you treat some one how you want to be treat like kind ,nice .

Respect in the classroom is when you are being kind to other and you don't talk when the teacher is talking and student to this how respect may look in a classroom.

In the computer lab respect may be when you don't play around with the computer and you wait your turn to get you computer and if someone has something that your ask for it nicely that how respect may look in a computer lab.

In the hallways respect is when you don't try and push people so they can move. And you don't make allot of noise that how respect may look in the hallways.

When we have visitors you are polite and if they are talking let that talk.

When we visit other places be kind to their stuff and don't touch any thing that does not belong to you.

Thursday, March 1, 2012